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Share Certificates
A Share Certificate is the simple and safe way to make your money work for you. Low minimum balances, a guaranteed high-rate of return and terms from six months to five years.

In addition to traditional certificates, we offer specialty certificates to help you accomplish your short- and long-term savings goals.

  • Bump Certificate gives you a one-time chance to increase your interest rate during the term.
  • Flexible Certificate is a great way to earn higher yields with the option to make two penalty-free withdrawals and two additional deposits.
  • Savings Plus Certificate has a low minimum balance of just $25, a high rate of return and the ability to make UNLIMITED deposits.

Start Saving

Call us at (818) 846-1710 and our friendly staff will assist you with opening an account.

Table data for Certificates and IRA Certificate
Minimum Balance Term Dividend Rate APY1 Alert Me
$1,000 6 months 2.472% 2.50% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$1,000 12 months 2.716% 2.75% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$1,000 24 months 2.960% 3.00% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$1,000 36 months 3.203% 3.25% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$1,000 48 months 3.348% 3.40% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$1,000 60 months 3.542% 3.60% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Minimum Balance Term Dividend Rate APY1 Alert Me
$25,000 6 months 2.716% 2.75% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$25,000 12 months 2.960% 3.00% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$25,000 24 months 3.203% 3.25% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$25,000 36 months 3.348% 3.40% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$25,000 48 months 3.542% 3.60% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$25,000 60 months 3.735% 3.80% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Minimum Balance Term Dividend Rate APY1 Alert Me
$50,000 12 months 2.960% 3.00% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$50,000 24 months 3.203% 3.25% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$50,000 36 months 3.445% 3.50% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$50,000 48 months 3.687% 3.75% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$50,000 60 months 3.832% 3.90% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Minimum Balance Term Dividend Rate APY1 Alert Me
$100,000 12 months 3.203% 3.25% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$100,000 24 months 3.445% 3.50% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$100,000 36 months 3.687% 3.75% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$100,000 48 months 3.832% 3.90% Receive a notification when this rate changes
$100,000 60 months 3.928% 4.00%1 Receive a notification when this rate changes
Rates are subject to change without prior notice. Dividends are compounded and credited monthly. Early withdrawal penalties may apply and may reduce earnings and principal. Membership with Gain FCU is required. Certificate will renew as stated in our Truth in Savings Agreement.
  • 1APY = Annual Percentage Yield