Recreational Vehicle Loans

If you're looking for fun on the road this season, we have loans that make your getaways more affordable.

Dad and son having fun with their recreational vehicleDiscover more fun with an RV.

Full financing is available for all types of recreational vehicles, motor homes, travel trailers, and more.

Applying is easy. Give us a call at (818) 846-1710 or apply online.

New RV

APR* as low as


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Used RV

APR* as low as


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Table data for Recreational Vehicle - Fixed Rate
 Effective 01/06/2025
Term New
APR as low as1
APR as low as1
Alert Me
12 to 48 months 6.50% 6.50% Receive a notification when this rate changes
49 to 84 months 7.50% 7.50% Receive a notification when this rate changes
Up to 125% MSRP/NADA - For RVs 2019 RV’s are: Motorhomes, Travel Trailer, Campers, Van Conversions, & Trailer.

Used RVs must be seven years old or newer and not to exceed 100,000 miles.

Representative Example: A $25,000 loan financed at 6.50% APR1 for 48 months would result in 48 payments of $593.19. Loan rates are based on term and applicant credit history. All loans are subject to credit approval and are subject to Gain Federal Credit Union policies and procedures. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. Rates advertised are best available for vehicles seven years old or newer and with less than 100,000 miles. "As low as" rates listed are our best fixed rates on approved credit. Actual interest rate offered may be higher depending upon applicant's credit rating and other underwriting factors. No prepayment penalty.
  • 1APR = Annual Percentage Rate

Prevent a serious financial breakdown.

We offer two services which can help ease the burden of unexpected expenses.

GAP protects against high-cost losses.

Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) helps cover the difference between your primary insurer's settlement and the balance of your vehicle loan.
(Approximate cost $599. See Credit Union for details.)

Man standing by broken down car

Protect your loan. Help preserve your standard of living.

Whether you're taking out a loan to make home improvements or buy a vehicle, it can be a financial gamble because things happen. You're betting you can pay back your loan and you won't lose your job (to no fault of your own), or become disabled (due to injury or illness), or pass away, leaving your family responsible for your loan balance. You don't want delinquent payments and defaulted loans to cause you to lose your assets, negatively impact your credit rating, or cause financial distress for your family.

Protection that matters.

If a protected life event happens to you, Debt Protection will cancel or reduce repayment of your loan debt-helping to lessen your worries about paying loans during a time when your income may be reduced or lost and paying other bills becomes challenging. Protected events include:

  • Loss of life, including those caused by acts of war
  • Disability, including those caused by acts of war
  • Involuntary unemployment

Help play it safe.

Debt Protection* is a voluntary loan-payment protection product that helps ease the financial burden of delinquency, default, or foreclosure if a protected life event happens to you. And, simple eligibility requirements ease the enrollment process.

For more information call us at (818) 846-1710.

*Debt Protection is a product offered by Gain Federal Credit Union. Enrollment in this debt protection product is voluntary and not required to obtain a loan. Please contact a loan officer for additional information on benefit maximums, eligibility, limitations, and a copy of your contract.